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A member group represents a filtered list of members from your database. Member groups can be used as a mailing list or with other membermojo functions, such as the member directory.
The most common use of a member group is to send regular newsletters and correspondence to all members.
Member groups are maintained from the Member Groups & Mailing Lists page.
When a new organisation is created we create three groups:
The Members button for each group on the Member Groups & Mailing Lists page displays the group members.
Click Download for a CSV file containing group member details.
Change the columns for viewing or download by clicking More / Change View/Columns.
Tick the Use member group as mailing list and enter a Mailbox prefix. Once saved the group email address will appear on the Member Groups & Mailing Lists page.
If an admin sends an email to one of these addresses membermojo will automatically forward to the group members using the Email and Email 2 fields on their member record. Members without an email address will be skipped.
Emails can include formatting, images and attachments.
The admin does not need to be signed in to do this but must send the email from their administrator email address so we can verify who they are.
Group members can also be sent to Mailchimp to deliver emails using their service. See Mailchimp.
All group emails support "one-click unsubscribe" which many email services offer as an option when viewing email. (see Unsubscribe from Email)
An unsubscribe link can also be included as a footer within group emails. A member can use the link without signing in to remove themselves from your mailing list.
An unsubscribe link is an important signal to email providers that your emails can be controlled by their customers, and may reduce the chance of it being labelled as spam. We recommend unsubscribe footer links for all mailing lists.
Unsubscribe footer links are controlled by the per-group Unsubscribe Action setting.
If set to One-click only (no footer) - all group email or With footer - all group email an unsubscribe will set the Unsubscribe group email field on the member record. This will prevent the member from receiving any group email.
Opt-in/out fields on your form can be used to filter the members in a group. Unsubscribe links can set/reset these fields to remove the member from the group.
When a member unsubscribes using "one-click unsubscribe" or the footer link the opt out field will be set to 'yes' and the member removed from the group.
The same process can be used to set an opt-in field to 'no'.
By default only admins can send group email, but this can be changed.
When editing a group Permitted Mailbox Senders can be set to:
For example, to allow some members to email members without being an admin:
Create a new 'Permitted Senders' group:
Modify the 'All Members' group to allow the new group to send email:
Members in the permitted sender group can now send emails to all members. (but must still send their email from their member address so we can recognise them)
Group emails are always sent from the
address, but will be displayed using the name of your
organisation plus the name of the group.
e.g. "Sample Club All Members"
By default replies are addressed to the original sender.
The From Name and Reply To setting has several options:
The list of members in a group is determined by one or more conditions.
If there are no conditions the group will include all current members from the Member List page.
Click add condition to view the fields available for matching:
Click a field name to view its description then choose the type of match, such as 'Equal to' for choice fields or 'From date' for a date field.
Example 1 - for expired members add the condition System fields/ Membership state / Equal to and pick Expired.
Example 2 - to create a committee group use multiple Include/exclude member or group / Include member conditions, one for each committee member.
Example 3 - for members below school year 8 (12-13) add Age / School year, click Less than and enter a value of 8.
Example 4 - for members that have purchased a checkout item in the past 30 days add Checkout item purchase / Purchase days, select the item, then click Less than and enter a value of 31.
The number of members matched is shown below the filter. Click View to verify the matched members.
With the exception of Include member and Include group all conditions must be satisfied to include a member in the group. If the same condition is repeated then any one of the values can match.
Example 1 - for an age range add conditions Member form fields / Date of birth days / Less than and Member Form fields / Date of birth days / Greater than.
Example 2 - for active and expired members add conditions System fields / Membership State / Equal to as Active and System fields / Membership State / Equal to as Expired.
Example 3 - using conditions System fields / Membership state / Equal to as Expired and Include/exclude member or group / Include Member will contain expired members and the included member.
Example 4 - using conditions System fields/ Membership state / Equal to as Expired and Member form fields/ Email as Blank will contain expired members without an email address.
Example 5 - using conditions System fields / Membership state / Equal to as Expired, System fields/ Membership state / Equal to as Active and Member form fields/ Email as Blank will contain expired and active members without an email address.
A group can match multiple lists of conditions. (an OR query)
To add another list click add condition / New condition list (OR) then enter conditions into the new list.
Example - your form allows members to tick one or more Yes/No special interest options. To create a group matching members that have ticked any option first add a condition Member form fields / Special interest 1 as Yes. Then add more condition lists, one for each field, that includes members ticking each option.
A footer is automatically added to group emails if:
Footer text can include links and placeholders.
(only applies if Email 2 has been added to your member form)
By default group emails are sent to the primary and Email 2 address present on each matching member record.
Tick Do not Send to Email 2 to limit distribution to just the primary address.
When editing a group click Send Test Email to send a sample group email to your admin address. This will demonstrate how the from name, reply address and footer will be formatted.
To verify you are able to send group email, or to experiment with formatting and placeholders, send an email to a group with a small distribution list - such as the administrators group.
Once a group is saved use the Members button on the Member Groups & Mailing Lists page to view the group members.