You are viewing a membermojo help page. Take a tour to see what we do.
To get you up to speed, all pages include prompts and are often supplemented through the Help menu.
The Help Index contains sections for the initial task of Setting up membermojo and the more routine Membership Administration.
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The free trial is fully functional including making the system live to members.
If you have not done so already read the Tour pages for an overview of our features.
Visit Steps for common member functions to understand how members interact with membermojo.
For administrators membermojo can be thought of in two parts, each with their own menu - Settings and Members.
Your member profile can be found under the menu Your Membership.
Settings allows you to configure membermojo for your organisation - such as the membership categories you offer, your logo or the contents of welcome pack emails. Once set up you will rarely revisit this section.
We recommend you visit each page under Settings to familiarise yourself, but if short on time the minimum requirements needed to get you up and running are:
The Members section provides functions for managing your membership. This is where you'll find everything related to members, their payments and activities. This is the page you'll visit most frequently during normal use.
To import existing members see Importing Members.
After registering a new organisation your name and email will have been used to create the first member record (see Member List). This member will have been set up as an administrator with an example 'Adult' membership.
Once you have set up your organisation you will need to revisit and update your member record.
Your service is not available to members until you complete basic configuration and visit the Make Live page.