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Unsubscribe from Email

An unsubscribe link provides an easy method for member's to opt out of emails they are no longer interested in.

It is also an important signal to email providers that your emails can be controlled by their customers and may reduce the chance of it being labelled as spam. We recommend adding unsubscribe footer links to all your group emails. See Member Groups & Mailing Lists.

When present members can unsubscribe from renewal and group emails without signing in.

Unsubscribes are recorded in the Activity Log and notified to admins through the daily summary email.

Unsubscribe from renewal emails

An unsubscribe link is automatically added to the footer of the following system emails:

  • Renewal Notice (28 days before expiry)
  • Expiry warning (9+2 days before expiry)
  • Membership Expired (1 day after expiry)
  • Recently Expired (28 days after expiry)

When the member unsubscribes the Unsubscribe expiry email field is set on the matching member record. Once set no further reminder or expiry emails will be sent to that member.

Members will be shown a Resubscribe option on their Your Membership page.

Admins can resubscribe a member by unticking the Unsubscribe expiry email field on the member's record.

Unsubscribe from all group emails

All group emails support "one-click unsubscribe" (see below), which by default will unsubscribe the user from all groups.

To configure an additional unsubscribe footer link see Member Groups & Mailing Lists.

When the member unsubscribes the Unsubscribe group email field is set on the matching member record. Once set no further group emails, for any group, will be sent to that member.

Members will be shown a Resubscribe option on their Your Membership page.

Admins can resubscribe a member by unticking the Unsubscribe group email field on the member's record.

Unsubscribe from individual mailing lists

To configure the one-click (see below) and footer unsubscribe links for individual groups see Member Groups & Mailing Lists.

When the member unsubscribes the configured opt-out field will be set on the matching member record. This removes the member from the group and they will not receive further emails from that group.

Members can resubscribe by editing their profile and unticking the opt-out field.

Admins can also resubscribe a member by unticking the member's opt-out field.

Unsubscribe and Email 2

Group emails are sent to the primary and secondary (Email 2) addresses if present.

If the recipient at an Email 2 address unsubscribes their address is removed from the member record and the member notified by email. The removed address is recorded on the Activity Log page.

To resubscribe the member or admin should re-enter the Email 2 address.

One-click unsubscribe

"One-click" refers to the technical email standard (RFC8058) for including an unsubscribe link that a computer can read and use.

This link is not visible to users within the body of the email, but is to receiving systems.

Email services and apps that support this standard may display an unsubscribe action within their user interface. Selecting this action will typically prompt the user to confirm before unsubscribing.

This allows email services to provide a consistent unsubscribe experience across sites for users, but also allows automated unsubscribes where an email address is no longer valid.

One-click is considered important for helping users and providers control email. Several large providers will mandate its use for volume senders in 2024.

All membermojo group email includes one-click links. We recommend also adding unsubscribe footer links to group emails. See Member Groups & Mailing Lists.

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