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Payment Options

Payment options are configured from the Payment & Memberships page. Payment options apply to all purchases including Membership, Member Store and Payment Requests.


PayPal allows your members to pay online wth a PayPal account, credit or debit card.

Your PayPal account can be connected to membermojo from the PayPal Payments page.

Payments made using PayPal are marked as complete and do not require additional confirmation.


Stripe allows your members to pay online with credit card, debit card, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

Apple and Google Pay options are shown on the checkout page when used on compatible devices.

Your Stripe account can be connected to membermojo from the Stripe Payments page.

Payments made using Stripe are marked as complete and do not require additional confirmation.


Offline payments are made outside membermojo, such as a bank transfer or cheque. The member selects an offline payment method at checkout then uses your instructions to make payment. Payment instructions are shown at checkout and included in the welcome pack or confirmation email.

An offline payment will pend until an administrator confirms the payment has been received from the Pending Payments page.

Use the Offline Payments page to define the list of offline payment methods you accept and the instructions for making these payments.

Offline recurring payments

membermojo will not collect payments automatically but it is possible to record automated payments collected in other systems - such as annual standing orders.

  • From the Offline Payments add a 'standing order' payment method and provide instructions for the member to set this up.
  • When a new member applies and selects your 'standing order' payment method their membership and payment will pend.
  • When the first payment arrives mark the payment as received from the Pending Payments page.

For renewal:

  • If the payment is automated it is common to disable the -9/-2 reminder and membership expired emails by setting the member's System email field to No Expiry. This setting still allows a -28 day reminder to be sent which can be used to remind members payment is due but will be taken automatically if the instruction is still in place.
  • An administrator can then renew on behalf of the member (click Renew from their profile page) when payment arrives, even if the membership has lapsed. Tick Payment already received at checkout to complete the payment and send a welcome pack.

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