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Vouchers are used to offer discounts to new or existing members for membership fees and store purchases. Discounts are applied when a code is entered or automatically when a member belongs to a group.
From Vouchers & Discounts click Add Voucher and complete the form.
Vouchers are applied using a code or automatically when a member belongs to a group. A voucher entry box will appear on the checkout page when the member is eligible for one or more discounts that require a code.
Vouchers are searched top to bottom for each item the member is purchasing. The discount from the first match will be applied and shown on the checkout page.
Drag or click to reorder vouchers.
Used discounts are recorded as payment items with a negative price, viewed from the Payment Items page.
Use the More menu to delete, copy or view matching payment items.
The Match members dropdown determines which members the voucher applies to:
Click Generate above the Voucher code field to create a random code or enter one manually. Voucher codes can only use uppercase letters and numbers. e.g. MYCLUB20
Use the Applies to purchase of dropdown to choose which items the discount is applied to:
To select individual memberships or store items click and tick each that apply.
If a voucher can only be used a limited number of times tick Limit usage and enter a Redeem limit.
Tick Delete when limit reached to automatically delete the voucher when this limit is reached. (useful for single use vouchers, such as gifts)
The number of times that a voucher has been used is shown on the Vouchers & Discounts page.
If a voucher should not apply after a date enter this into Expiry date.
Expired vouchers are not removed automatically.
Your club is encouraging new members with a discount code:
Someone has paid in advance for a gift membership - perhaps using the member store or directly to your club.
Create a single use gift voucher that the receiver can use to redeem the gift:
Some existing members are eligible for concessionary or reduced rates.
First create a group from the Member Groups & Mailing Lists page to identify these members. If there are no suitable database fields use the Include member condition to add each member in turn.
Create a voucher from the Vouchers & Discounts page: