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Membership Categories

The membership categories offered to members are managed from the Available Memberships page. Drag or click the icon to change the order.

Use the More menu to delete, copy or view matching payment items.

Membership categories determine the fee a member pays, the duration of membership and how many individuals are covered by the same fee.

When an organisation is first created the new administrator is given an example 'Adult' membership. This membership can be modified or removed once the administrator is assigned a new category.

Expiry types

The membership expiry type determines how the next expiry date is calculated when a member joins or renews. Modifying the expiry information on a membership will not affect existing members.

Until Year End

This is the most common type for traditional clubs. For renewal, memberships start on the first day of your organisation year and end on the last. If a new member joins part way through the year their membership will end on the last day of your organisation year.

The first month of your club year is defined on the Membership Settings page.

The New member minimum membership value on the Membership Settings page allows to waive payment for the current year when an application is received in the closing months. Payment will then apply to the following year.


An elapsed type starts when the member renews or applies and ends after the configured number of months.

If a member renews after their membership has lapsed it will start on the date they renew, potentially giving a period of 'free' membership between the prior expiry date and the renewal. Use the Extend previous membership period for late renewals setting on the Membership Settings page to define a period where the renewal start date is backdated to the expiry date.

Until Date

This type has a fixed end date and is only valid when this date is in the future. Once the date has passed the membership will not be offered to members.


Life will set a distant (40 years) expiry date so that the membership will not expire. Members with a life membership will not see this date, which is only visible to adminstrators.


Memberships can be priced differently for new and renewing members. Changes apply immediately which means any part-year rates for new members can be updated as the year progresses.

Select Separate prices for new and renewing members to enter two prices, one for new applications, one for renewals.

Use New members pay additional joining fee to present the same base price for new and renewing members, but with a joining fee for new members.

Joining fees are itemised separately at checkout and within payment records. If a membership lapses the joining fee will be payable on the next renewal. Use the Waive joining fee for late renewals setting on the Membership Settings page to waive these fees for a number of months. A joining fee will also apply if a renewing member upgrades from a membership without joining fee to one with.


To pro-rate the fee for a new membership use Separate prices for new and renewing members and enter renewal and new member prices. Update the new member price as the season progresses to reflect the current pro-rated fee.

Multi-member memberships

Multi-member memberships are typically used for couples or families where a single discounted price covers multiple members.

One member, the lead member, is responsible for completing forms and making payment. The other members are linked to the lead member.

Tick Allow linked members and enter the maximum number of additional linked members the membership should support. e.g. 1 linked member for a couple, 3 linked members for a family of 4

When a (lead) member selects a multi-member membership they will complete the standard membership form first, but are then offered one or more linked member forms to enter details for other (linked) members. The linked member form is usually a subset of the lead member form to prevent repeating common information. Both forms are defined on the Member Form page.

Membership availability

The For new members and For existing members options can limit which memberships are available for selection.

For new members

  • Available - can always be selected by new members.
  • Require Approval - new members complete the application form and send for approval by an administrator. When approved the member is asked to complete the application with payment. See New member application with approval step
  • Not available - not available to new members.

New members will be forced to select a membership category when completing the application form.

For existing members

  • Available - can always be selected by existing members.
  • Only available if current membership - only offered as an option to members that have been assigned the membership by an adminstrator. Typically used for committee or honorary memberships that should not be available to general members.
  • Locked if current membership - available to all members, but a member with this membership cannot change it.
  • Not available - not available to existing members.

When a member renews their current membership will be the default unless it is no longer valid.

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