Summer 2019 Update
Our summer update includes many new features.
We've listed the most significant of these below with links to any relevant
Please note our prices are also changing with this release and that
the new Stripe and member Store features are only available on plans supporting
more than 100 members.
Full details can be found on our pricing page.
Stripe Payments
We have added Stripe as an additional online payment option alongside PayPal.
Stripe is a payment processor that allows your members
to pay by card or using Apple / Google Pay from a mobile phone.
Stripe deducts 1.4% + 20p from each payment for European cards.
See Stripe Pricing & fees.
A Stripe account is required to accept Stripe payments, which can then be
linked to membermojo.
Connect your Stripe account from the new Stripe Payments page.
Checkout Items & Member Store
Checkout items are used to collect optional fees from your membership form -
such as insurance, affiliation or locker fees;
or for ad-hoc purchases from a new member store page -
such as club kit or an event fee.
Items can have multiple options - such as Medium or Large T-shirt,
or 2/3 course dinner - and limited in quantity so that members cannot
buy an item that is sold out.
Item purchases and stock levels are reported in the daily summary email.
Manage your Checkout Items from the new Checkout Items page.
Also see Checkout Items & Member Store for more details.
New Form Editor
We've added a new single page form editor.
All settings from existing forms are carried forward to the new editor.
Conditional Fields
Form fields can be hidden or shown based on the value of other fields.
This allows select members to be prompted for further details, whilst showing
a simpler form for others.
For example:
- Collect more details for some membership categories.
- Require additional consent for some membership categories.
- Entry of medical conditions when a yes/no is ticked.
New Fields
- Checkout items. Optional fees can be collected at application or
renewal, such as insurance, affiliation or lockers.
- File upload. A field that allows a member to upload supporting documents
within the form during application or renewal.
- Photo 2. A second photo can be captured within your form.
Both photo fields now support portrait, square and
membership card layouts and both can be used with our plastic card service
(e.g. personalised card background plus member photo).
- 5 standard address fields, plus postcode and country.
Address fields are no longer grouped so can be added and made
optional/required independently.
- Custom phone number.
Additional number fields can be added to the existing
contact and mobile numbers.
Phone number fields can be clicked to call on mobile.
- Month and year. For use where a full date is not required.
Other Improvements
- Default values for new members can be defined for Yes/No and Choice fields.
- Donation and checkout items can be reset to empty for renewals.
- Form changes can be previewed without saving.
- Drag/drop can be used to reposition fields.
- Optional choice fields no longer require a blank line as the first choice.
Also see Membership Form for more details.
Payment Requests
An adhoc request for payment can be sent to members and paid through the
membermojo checkout.
A payment request email is sent by entering a description and amount from
the member's profile page. The member makes payment by following the link
to the membermojo checkout.
Outstanding payment requests can be reviewed
and reminders sent using member groups.
Payment Items
A payment total may be built from several parts/items -
such as the membership fee, a joining fee or donation.
Previously these items were shown on the payment details page and could be
downloaded from the completed payments page.
Payment items can now be
viewed and downloaded from a dedicated page.
The new payment items page can display and download items of a chosen type.
For example:
- payments for a membership category
- payments for a store item, such as event or club kit
- donations
Other Improvements
- New Paid date field to record the date an offline payment is received.
- New Member notes in addition to the existing Admin notes field.
The new field can be seen by members from their Your Membership page and is
sent in offline payment confirmation emails.
- New payment detail page, with options to cancel individual payment items,
mark a payment as paid or cancelled, or resend a payment email / welcome pack.
- When an admin pays on behalf of a member the paid date and admin notes can
be entered directly into the checkout page.
Membership categories have several new options:
- Separate fees for new and renewing members.
This allows the new member fee to be set lower than renewal.
- Memberships for new members only - such as a trial.
- Memberships for existing members only - for memberships that are no
longer offered to new members.
- 'Locked' memberships - which prevent a member changing category at renewal.
- 'If current' memberships - only available to members that have been assigned
that category by an administrator and cannot be selected by other members.
This option allows a member to renew using a reserved category without offering
it to all members - useful for Honorary or Committee memberships.
Memberships are now managed from the new
Settings / Payments & Memberships / Available Memberships page.
New Member Checkout
When a new member applies or existing member renews they are shown a Checkout
page in place of the previous Select Payment page.
The new page supports the current PayPal and offline payment options, plus
credit/debit card entry and Apple / Google Pay options
if Stripe is connected to your account.
Members can make payment for their application or renewal from this page,
or follow prompts to add further items for checkout with a single payment.
This includes:
- Renewals for members sharing the same email - such as a parent renewing
several junior memberships.
- Store purchases (checkout items)
- New memberships and payment for approved memberships
- Payment requests
When multiple new or renewing members are paid for at the same time, each
will receive their own welcome pack.
Members Only Page
Organisations can now create and maintain a page that is only visible to
members signed into membermojo.
Similar to the existing public home page, content can be formatted,
images added and documents linked.
The members only page is accessed from the member's Your Membership page or
directly as a link.
The Members Only Page is maintained from Settings / Home Page
by selecting Members Only under Page to Edit.
Member Profile Page
The admin page shown for a member has been simplified to show
key details and options relevant to the member.
- A member can be manually expired if their expiry date has passed.
- A member can be deleted from the profile page, as well as from the member
- Member files can viewed and uploaded for lead and linked members.
- When viewing member detail Yes/No and Accept Terms fields will now show the
date of last change and who made it. (for changes made after the new release)
- All administrator pages can now be viewed and used on modern phone and tablet
- All members, including those pending approval, can now be searched for using
the box under our logo from all admin pages.
- The original administrator that created the trial account is now 'protected'.
Administrative access cannot be removed unless the protection is removed by the
original administrator. If present, protection will be shown and can be removed
from membermojo Roles.
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