Welcome to the MEMBERMOJO page of the Oxford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers
- All existing members of the ODG are asked to review and edit, if necessary, their personal details.
- Please click on the red "Member Login and Home Page" bell image above and enter your email address.
- You will receive a link in an email which allows you access to your record.
- If you do not receive an email from Membermojo, please contact the membership secretary (membership@odg.org.uk) to verify your email address.
- Please select the Review Actions button at the top of the page. Then click on Renew.
- Review and amend your details, ensuring that you tick all appropriate boxes, including communication preferences, then tick to accept the terms and click Next.
- Click on Checkout.
- Then click on Pay with Via Tower / Branch to complete your membership renewal.
- Your membership renewal will be ‘pending’ until the Guild Treasurer receives the payment from your Branch.
- If you administer records for other members, click the Review Actions button again. You will need to action Renew for each member.
- If you are a new member, you must have already been elected at a Branch meeting.
- Please click on the orange "Join Us/Renew" button on the right-hand side and complete the application form, ensuring that you tick all appropriate boxes, including communication preferences, then tick to accept the terms and click Next.
- On the next page click Send for Approval.
- Your request for membership will be marked as pending until approved by the Membership Secretary.
- Once accepted, and payment received via your branch, you will receive a confirmation email.
- The "Contact Us" panel to the right shows the memberships available.
- Subscriptions are £10 per annum and are currently paid via your Branch Treasurer.
- Subscription renewal is due annually on 1st January.
- Ringing Member is a full member of the Guild and your local branch.
- Junior Member is a full member of the Guild and your branch for members under 18 years of age.
- Membermojo is the ODG online membership database for managing member data in a GDPR compliant manner.
- It is used by many Bell Ringing Guilds in the UK due to its ease of use.
- Membermojo enables the ODG to modernise and provide online applications and renewals, electronic payment, a central member database, group email distribution, attendance register and membership cards.