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Yacht only - All Crew already PSBSC Members

Yacht + 1 Crew who is not a PSBSC member

Yacht + 2 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 3 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 4 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 5 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 6 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 7 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 8 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 9 Crew who are not PSBSC members

Yacht + 10 Crew who are not PSBSC members

New Members to join via PSBSC website via the link opposite, this is for Entry and Registration to the race + paying for number of crew who are not PSBSC members

Expires 31/12/2025

Join Us / Renew
Payment: PayPal, card, Cash on the Day, Standing Order, BACS or Cheque.

Welcome to PSBSC Frithard Trophy Yacht Race Entry & Registration

Even though the Skipper and some crew are already members the form MUST still be completed and the fees for NON members paid.

(If you still need to become a member of the Club then click the below link)

