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Secretary: Martin Lockley


Individual Annual 1

Joint Annual 2

1 New member rate, renewal £20

2 New member rate, renewal £24

Expires 31/08/2025

Welcome to Ulysses Club Great Britain

The club was set up in 2013 and we now have over 100 members spread around the country and beyond. Membership is for mature motorcyclists over 40 years and there is no upper limit on membership.

New members will have full access to the club's Forum and Facebook group. They will receive a welcome pack with badge & sticker and a quarterly online newsletter. Most importantly they will be eligible to participate in any and all planned events both in UK and further afield. Rides include short rides-out and meet-ups for a late breakfast or lunch, day trips & visits, overnight and weekend trips and longer trips in UK, Ireland and the continent. We have forged strong links with thriving Ulysses clubs in Germany, France, Norway and Switzerland as well as the original Ulysses Club in Australia.

Existing members:
Membership is annual from the 1st September and the subscriptions are:

  • Individual Annual: £20
  • Joint Annual: £24           

1. There is a £10 Joining Fee. Subscriptions for new members vary according to the month of joining:

  • Individual Annual:  Sep-Nov £30 (£20+£10);   Dec-Feb £25 (£15+£10)  Mar-May £20 (£10+£10);   Jun-Jul £15 (£5+£10)
  • Joint Annual:           Sep-Nov £34 (£24+£10)  Dec-Feb £28 (£18+£10)  Mar-May £22 (£12+£10);   Jun-Jul £16 (£6+£10)

2. If you are joining in August please pay the full subscription including the joining fee and your membership will run until the following September.
                                                 If you have any queries please contact our Secretary

Please read the following carefully:

1. By applying for membershsip of Ulysses Club GB I undertake not to use the Club, its name or any of its facilities for any trade, advertising or business purpose or in connection with any legal proceedings or for the purpose of personal business gain.

2. The data you supply to the club will be held on the Membermojo database. Your contact details may be passed to other club members for them to get in touch with you. Your details will not be sent outside the club. If you do not want your contact details to be passed to other members, please notify the secretary during your application.

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