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UK Membership

European Full Membership

Rest Of World Full Membership (Non-European)

Overseas Web-Only Membership

Joining the 1100 Club

What are the benefits?

  • Six issues of the club's magazine, 'Idle Chatter', each year - a full colour, 44 page A4 sized paper publication (with PDF version) that has been highly commended at the Classic and Sports Car Club Awards at the NEC Classic Car Show for three years in a row before winning the award in 2018

  • Access to members' area of the 1100 Club website, containing PDFs of every Idle Chatter ever produced since 1985, a fully searchable database of technical articles, part numbers and a wide range of scanned manuals and technical documents

  • Prompt technical and spares advice via our helplines

  • A UK National Rally and other regional shows, eg a Spring Show and an Autumn Gathering

  • A network of local meetings and area contacts

  • Discounts from major classic car insurance companies

  • Member discounts from other organisations and suppliers eg Ex-Pressed Steel Panels and Autocool Radiators

  • Helping with key projects that help to keep 1100s on the road, including investment in parts remanufacture such as exhaust systems and front wings, made using the original BMC factory tooling that the 1100 Club now owns and preserves  

  • Helping to preserve key pieces of 1100/1300 heritage eg the Skeleton estate car, restored by 1100 Club members during 2016, and the cutaway engine, restored in 2018

The 1100 Club now has over 700 members worldwide!

How do I join the 1100 Club?

You can see the membership options on this page. Please click on the orange 'Join/Renew' button and select the membership option that applies to where in the world you live when you enter your details. You can pay via Paypal, which will give you immediate access to the members area of the 1100 Club website, or you can choose to send a cheque and your membership application will be approved when your cheque has arrived - please note that we are not able to take payment by phone.

If you live overseas, you can choose to be a member on a web-only basis - this is exactly the same as full membership apart from receiving PDF copies of Idle Chatter instead of paper copies, so saving the cost of magazine postage.

You will receive a welcome email containing the latest password for the members area of the 1100 Club website if you pay for your membership via Paypal - if this does not arrive pretty much immediately, please check your spam folder in case it has ended up in there!

How do I renew my membership?

If you are renewing your membership rather than joining for the first time, you don't need to enter all of your details again! After you have clicked on the orange 'Join/Renew' button, click on the link to sign in with your email address - no password is required, as an email will be sent to you to verify your identity.

If you are not able to sign in because your email address has changed or is not held on file, you can either contact our Membership Secretary on membership@the1100club.com to get your email address added to the system OR you can choose to start again and join as a new member.