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Richard Pendlebury
07974 028790


Adult ringing member (resident and/or regularly ringing in Sussex)

Adult non-ringing member (associate)

Junior ringing member (under 18 on 1st January)

Junior non-ringing member (under 18 on 1st January)

Adult non-resident member (not resident or ringing regularly in Sussex)

Expires 31/03/2026

Membership requires approval

Join Us / Renew
Payment: Card.
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Welcome to the Membership Homepage of the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers

  • The system allows members to manage their Association membership online, pay fees and provide / update contact details via Your Membership
  • It eases the burden on volunteer administrators
  • It provides a means of making donations, and paying fees on behalf of other members (i.e. those unable to pay online), via via the Member Store
  • It facilitates the Association compliance with GDPR and our Privacy Policy

All Association members should manage their membership using this system. You can join or renew by using the button opposite/below. The membership fees will be collected via Membermojo.

New members

  1. Click the Join Us button (bottom-right).
  2. Fill in the first page, selecting the appropriate membership type, then click 'next'
  3. Review your details, then click the 'Send for Approval' button 
  4. The membership secretary will check your application with your proposer and seconder. 



  1. First Sign-in here
  2. Check details are correct, confirming the appropriate membership type, then click 'next'
  3. Review your details, then click the 'next' button 
  4. On the next page choose a payment type 
  5. Below the payment details, click the orange button!

We encourage members to pay by card if possible as it greatly reduces the administrative burden on our volunteer administrators. Where fees cannot be paid via card, they can be paid by bank transfer or cheque. Instructions will be provided in an automated email once you have submitted the renewal. Please also read the Guide to Membership Renewal.

If you are new to the Association please read the membership information before applying. Note that a new member needs to be proposed and seconded by a current member of the Association. The new member should complete their own application form, i.e. the tower captain/correspondent must not complete the form on behalf of another ringer. 

Other information can be found using the buttons below:

login.png  guide.png  Q-A.png  home.png