Have you registered already? If not, click the orange Join Us button below to start.
If you have registered already, click the red Sign In button top right. You can then renew your membership, pay your subscription (or those of other members) and view or edit your details via Your Membership. Please DO NOT click the “Join Us / Renew” button as you will be directed to complete another registration.
Help with Registration, Signing In and Renewing is available below. If you need further help, contact a Branch Officer or the Guild’s Membership Secretary (memberadmin@sdgr.org.uk or call 07493 724498).
If you need to register a Member or Learner who is not comfortable with technology, please read the information below and use one or other of the Forms, when necessary.
It is NOT necessary to complete a Third Party Authority or a Member Registration Form when the Member watches you input his or her data using the Join New Member function (available only to Administrators) or when using the Member Form, and is content that his or her own email address is used.
When an adult Member with or without an email address nominates a friend / family member / fellow ringer / Branch Administrator to register and / or manage their Membership record on membermojo.co.uk/sdgr (“the System”) using the third party's email address, the Adult Third Party Authority MUST be completed and signed by the Member and the Third Party.
(It is no longer necessary to complete an Under 18's Third Party form as the Member Form MUST be completed by a parent or guardian).
The Third Party Authority must be signed and an electronic copy (scanned or photographed) uploaded to the Member’s record by an Administrator. The Member must keep the original.
The Adult Authority is here for you to download and complete as necessary:
Third Party Authorisation Form Adult October 2024.pdf
When a Member declines to provide an email address and doesn't want a third party's email address to be used on their record, a Registration Form should be completed and signed by the Member, so that the Guild can capture the necessary consents and maintain a secure payments record.
The Member Registration Form may also be used when a Member doesn't wish to register themselves or when access to the internet is unavailable. The email address field may be left blank if the Member so desires.
An electronic copy of the Registration Form signed by the Member must be uploaded to the Member's record by an Administrator. The Member should retain the original.
The Registration Form is available to download here:
Registration Form December 2024.pdf
A User Guide to the Mailing Lists set up on the system and available for use by Guild and Branch Officers may be found here:
Some useful links: