Welcome to Richmondshire Cricket Club
Membership for this season is now open.
We encourage members to use our online membership system with Membermojo. All data is securely stored and complies with General Data Protection Regulations. The clubs Privacy Policy can be viewed at the clubs website https://richmondshirecc.org.uk/ (for policies scroll to the foot of the homepage).
If you do not wish to use the online system membership forms will be available in the clubhouse, from coaches and to download from our website.
New memberships
For a new membership follow these instructions from number 1.
The first time you visit you do not need a password to log in, you can simply use your email address and you will receive an email with a link to log in. You can then set a password for future visits.
Existing members
If you have logged in to membermojo you can go to your form and renew by clicking the orange button.
Alternatively you should receive a renewal email with a link which will take you directly to your membership details. Please check and if necessary update these details and follow the instructions above from Step 3.