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UK Sole Membership 2025 1

UK Joint Membership 2025 2

UK Family Membership (up to 2 adults and 4 children under 18) 2025 3,4

Overseas Sole Membership 2025 (ONLINE VISION ONLY) 1

Overseas Joint Membership 2025 (ONLINE VISION ONLY) 2

Overseas Sole Membership 2025 (ONLINE & PRINTED VISION)

Overseas Joint Membership 2025 (ONLINE & PRINTED VISION)

1 New member rate, renewal £10

2 New member rate, renewal £15

3 New member rate, renewal £18

4 Membership requires approval

Expires 31/10/2025

Welcome to OGAE UK

The Organisation des Amateurs de l'Eurovision, or OGAE for short, is the largest Eurovision Song Contest fan network in the world.  Founded in Finland in 1984, the network now includes more than 40 national clubs across Europe and beyond, with over 15,000 individual members.

OGAE UK is the UK national club and, with over 3000 individual members.  We are currently the largest of the national clubs within the OGAE International.

Our club exists to promote interest in the Eurovision Song Contest by publishing a regular magazine and by organising various Eurovision-themed events across the country.  Vision magazine first appeared more than 25 years ago and has grown from a simple photocopied sheet to a full-colour A5 format quarterly magazine with the higest possible production values.  Each year Vision provides members with a comprehensive review of the various national selections as well as the contest itself.  It also includes articles about Eurovision artists of the past, club news and details of Eurovision-themed events.

In addition to Vision magazine, we provide members with a regular email newsletter bringing the last news about the contest.

Each year, our annual convention, the EuroBash, provides an opportunity for members to get together and to meet special guests linked to the contest, all followed by the obligatory Eurovision disco.

Our umbrella organisation, OGAE Internatonal, works closely with the EBU and each year's host broadcaster to try to secure member access to special fan ticket packages.  Access to tickets depends very much on each year's contest organisers and both prices and availability vary accordingly.  Demand from members is usually very high indeed and we only receive a limited allocation of ticket packages, so OGAE UK uses a ballot system to determine which members are able to buy the tickets on offer.  Please remember that such packages are a bonus and not a right, and that membership of our club is about a lot more than getting access to Eurovision tickets.

Details of our club's structure and activities may be found on our website www.ogae.uk

We offer "sole" memberships for one individual and "joint" memberships for two people/couples living at the same address.  Membership rights are identical for both categories, except that joint members only receive one copy of Vision magazine.   Residents of the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man should select the appropriate UK membership, residents of all other countries should select the appropriate Overseas membership.

Family memberships are offered for up to two adults and 4 children under 18 living at the same address.  Please note that the details of family membership applications need to be checked before payment is requested.  Couples without children shuld use the "joint" membership category not the family option.

Membership fees are non-refundable.




The OGAE UK ticket allocation for the 2025 ESC has now been completed and the OGAE ticket sale has closed.  Tickets will go on sale to pre-registered members of the public on 29 January.  Details of the EuroClub will be finalised and circulated in February.