Company Membership is renewable every twelve months and gives you access to all aspects of the theatre on stage, back stage and technical. You do not need to be a member to audition, but you do need to be a member if you are part of the cast or the crew in a production.
We have a structure to help develop your skills (if required) in most areas of theatre and with 10 productions each season there is ample opportunity for you to employ your skills and talents.
As a member you are also entitled to a discount on personal tickets to NVT productions, reduced rates for Acting Classes and access to various 'members only' social and special events.
Student / Unwaged is equivalent to a Company membership, however it has been discounted to enable Full-Time Students and those in receipt of Universal Credit, Pension Credit or any other means tested benefit, to join and participate fully in the productions of the NVT.
Please use this option only if you meet the category above. This membership option does not apply to anyone who is receiving a state pension only.
To complete the membership process you will need to provide documentary confirmation of your full-time student or supplementary benefit status.
Please email the membership secretary using this form and attach a copy of some appropriate documentation.
Getting involved with the theatre
The theatre needs the help and support of the membership to run the theatre and to stage its productions so please when you complete your application form consider the ways you might help us and be a part of NVT.
To find out more click here.
Member Sign In
To view or amend your personal details sign in using your email address - you do not need a password.
Membership Renewal
You will receive a reminder to renew your membership one month before the date of expiry but you can renew earlier (up to 3 months earlier) if you wish - you will need to sign in to do this.
Membership Rules
By submitting this form and joining you agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the New Venture Theatre. These can be found on our website here.
Any questions? If you have any questions then please email the membership secretary