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Museum Volunteers, NARPO & Service Personnel


Prices include VAT (if applicable). All membership rates held only until 31st December 2024. Check homepage for new rates coming January 2025.

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Payment: Card, CHEQUE or BACS.

Welcome to the Museum of Policing in Devon & Cornwall Membership Page

The Museum of Policing in Devon & Cornwall is a registered charity that collects, preserves and celebrates the history of policing in Devon and Cornwall. 

The Museum holds an array of historical policing material including documents, photographs, and artefacts, giving the opportunity for a deep dive into law and order history in our region as far back as 1790.

Through Member Mojo, you can register and pay to become a 'Member' of the Museum (currently discounted to £24.00 per year for applications received by 31st December 2024). There are also discounted membership options for NARPO members, those who currently work for the Devon and Cornwall police, as well as students and young people. 

Once you are registered as a Member, you can access your Member account on Member Mojo to manage all your own details. What do you get for your membership?

1. The Museum will stay in touch with you by regular newsletter

2. Invite you to members-only events and alert you to other police heritage opportunities of interest

3. Provide a username and password to the Museum's new members-only, online digital archives, for you to explore from your armchair at your leisure (coming 2025).

All Member information is stored according to UK Data Regulations. You are able to cease your membership and unsubscribe from any correspondence you so choose at any time. 

We look forward to welcoming you to our community. Any questions please contact info@dcpolicingmuseum.co.uk