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Adult [Quarterly]

Junior (under 18) [Quarterly]

Senior (over 65) [Quarterly]

Student [Quarterly] 1

Affiliated Club (Wimbledon/Epsom) [Quarterly] 1

Junior Affiliated Club (Wimbledon/Epsom) [Quarterly] 1

1 Membership requires approval

Join Us / Renew
Payment: PayPal, card, Bank Transfer or Standing order recurring every 3 months.

Welcome to Kingston Fencing Club

Fees are paid every 3 months in advance and are renewed on the anniversary of joining. You will automatically receive a renewal reminder email when your membership expires.

The club fences throughout the year, including the summer, so membership is continuous throughout the year. If you renew late the system will backdate your membership from when it expired so there is no advantage in delaying so please renew as soon as you receive the reminder emails. Fees are fixed for the period regardless of whether you attend the club or not. We do not offer discounts or reductions for non-attendance.

Please note that by joining you agree to the following policies:

Please see all policies on kingstonfencing.co.uk/policies/ including the Safeguarding Policy and the Health and Safety Policy.

Kingston Fencing Club is run on a non-profit basis and all membership fees are used only for the running of the club.

All committee members are volunteers and give up their free time to run the club so please assist them by paying membership fees promptly when reminded.

Please add membermojo.co.uk to your list of allowed domains so emails can get through.