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Member - MIFPO

Technician - TMIFPO

Associate Member - AMIFPO


Expires 31/12/2025

Joining fee applies £15

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Welcome to The Institute of Fire Prevention Officers

As a member, you will have access to all the information that we disseminate, as well as access to the other members who have elected to allow their personal information to be public. Membership also gives you access to the Firenet Forum - ask the questions that you need help with and get a balanced opinion from other members in this online forum.

The Institute actively encourages applications for membership from individuals who hold appropriate academic qualifications and/or experience for particular corporate grades of membership. These are:


Student members may be in full/part-time education or, subject to holding the minimum academic qualifications required by IFPO, in employment.

To become a Student member, an applicant must:

1.         Be following a course of study in a fire-related field or specialism, or a related subject, on a course recognised by IFPO and leading to a qualification acceptable to IFPO; or

2.         Have completed a course approved by IFPO.

A Student member having gained a qualification to a higher grade of membership may NOT remain as a Student member.


Affiliate members may be individuals, companies, groups or local authorities who have an interest in or involvement with the fire safety industry.


To become a Graduate member, an applicant must:

1.         Hold a science or engineering degree acceptable to IFPO, or an equivalent, individually assessed qualification; and

2.         Be pursuing a career or interest in the fire safety industry.

A Graduate member having gained a qualification to a higher grade of membership may NOT remain as a Graduate member.

Technician (TMIFPO):

To become a Technician member, an applicant must:

1.         Be pursuing a career in the fire safety industry;

2.         Have relevant experience within the scope of their chosen field or specialism acceptable to IFPO;

3.         Have an academic qualification recognised by IFPO and acceptable to IFPO; and

4.         Be continually developing their professional expertise.

A person who has been associated with the fire safety industry for at least 2 to 5 years, has good broad experience of their chosen interest in fire safety e.g. fire risk assessment related work, has as a minimum the NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management, and can provide suitable and sufficient evidence of their CPD records for all things related to fire safety for at least 2 to 5 years.

A Technician member having gained a qualification to a higher grade of membership may NOT remain as a Technician member.

Associate Member (AMIFPO):

To become an Associate Member, an applicant must:

1.         Be pursuing a career in the fire safety industry in a position of responsibility;

2.         Have experience in fire safety commensurate with the grade of Associate Member and acceptable to IFPO;

3.         Have an academic qualification commensurate with the grade of Associate Member which is recognised and acceptable to IFPO; and

4.         Be continually developing their professional expertise.

A person who has been associated with the fire safety industry for at least 5 to 10 years in a position of responsibility e.g. Station Commander, Station Manager, Watch Manager or Facilities Manager etc., has very good experience of their chosen interest in fire safety e.g. risk management related work, has as a minimum the NEBOSH National Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management plus several other important related training courses/qualifications awarded by either the IFE, IFSM, FPA, FIA, BAFE, or others etc., and can provide suitable and sufficient evidence of their CPD records for all things related to fire safety for at least 5 years.

Note: ‘Internal’ fire safety-related training courses or CPD awarded by NHS Trusts, the Fire Service College modules, the Army, the RAF, the Royal Navy, individual employers or individual fire and rescue services and authorities etc. DO NOT always count towards being acceptable to IFPO.

An Associate Member having gained a qualification to a higher grade of membership may NOT remain as an Associate Member.

Corporate Member (MIFPO):

To become a Corporate Member, an applicant must:

1.         Be pursuing a career in the fire safety industry in a position of (senior) responsibility;

2.         Have experience in fire safety commensurate with the grade of Corporate Member and acceptable to IFPO;

3.         Have an academic qualification commensurate with the grade of Corporate Member which is recognised and acceptable to IFPO; and

4.         Be continually developing their professional expertise.

A person who has been associated with the fire safety industry for at least 10 to 20 years or more in a position of senior responsibility e.g. Borough Commander, Chief Fire Officer of a local authority fire and rescue service, Principle Emergency Planning Officer, Fire services protecting Royal Properties, Nuclear fire and rescue services, Chartered Fire Engineer, Fire Safety Consultant, Professor or similar at a university, Managing Director of a national or international fire safety-related company, Airport Fire Safety Manager etc., has outstanding experience of their chosen interest in fire safety e.g. risk management related work plus involvement with the preparation of several British Standards, Codes of Practices, Government guides and advisory committees, an involvement with the Fire Sector Federation etc., plus several important related training courses/qualifications awarded by either the IFE, IFSM, FPA, FIA, BAFE or others etc., and can provide suitable and sufficient evidence of their CPD records for all things related to fire safety for at least 10 years.

Note: ‘Internal’ fire safety-related training courses or CPD awarded by NHS Trusts, the Fire Service College modules, the Army, the RAF, the Royal Navy, individual employers or individual fire and rescue services and authorities etc. DO NOT always count towards being acceptable to IFPO.

Fellow (FIFPO):

To be elevated to a Fellow of IFPO, the following details and points should be observed:

1.         Be a Corporate Member of IFPO;

2.         Have made outstanding contributions in the field of fire safety or distinguished service to IFPO;

3.         Be nominated by a Branch or the Executive Council; and

4.         Have the support of at least two-thirds of the votes cast at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) in favour of the nomination.