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Expires 31/07/2025

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Welcome to Hough End Griffins

Membership Registration for the Season is Open!

If you would like to continue your child's membership of Hough End Griffins JFC, please click to renew your membership. Please note that as football is a contact sport you will be required to read and consent to participation on a contact sport basis.

Annual Membership

Our season starts from 1 August

Player: £34 

Parent/Guardian: £1

Monthly Player Subs: £18 per month (by standing order) or £250 one-off annual payment

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do to register my child to play? (New Joiners)

Click the orange button, and press join, if you are new to club and an existing member but using this system for the first time. The process is straigtforward from there on - you will need a recent photo of your child's head and shoulders to register them. New members to Hough End will need to show proof of age to the child's team manager.

What should I do? (Renewals in future years)

You will receive a renewal reminder email from the club in your inbox, click on the link.

If you can't find your renewal email, you can renew from this webpage.  Click on the orange button on this page and click "renew". Enter the email address you joined with. A link to log in/renew will be sent to your inbox.

Your membership and children's memberships will be listed as requiring action to renew. Click on the orange button next to each player, to renew.

Please also provide us with an updated photo for each player for the new season (which is some of our leagues requirement), as the league will check that player ID photos are up-to-date.

At the end you will be taken to a "checkout" to pay the full balance.

What is the £1 Adult Membership?

At least one parent/guardian should be a member of the Club. As a member of the Club this gives you the opportunity to be more actively involved in decisions for the future of the Club.

I am struggling to register my child on this system, who should I contact? 

Please email memberships@houghendgriffins.com marked for the attention of Nicola Byrne (Welfare Officer), who will be able to assist. Alternatively, your team coach may also be able to help.

Why do I receive a message that my membership is "being approved"

If you are new to the club, your membership request will be sent for checking to ensure there is space in the team you have requested.

The club will come back to you as soon as possible, and if there is space, your child will be given a place.

If there is no space available, it may still be possible for your child to train with the team, and to await such time as a place becomes available.

I would like to pay my childs membership by cheque or cash, can I do this?

Yes you can. please request from your childs Coach/Team Manager a paper application to complete, and return the completed application to the Team Manager asap.

What days will my child train?

Questions about training should be directed to your team coach. 

Can Reception and Year One children play matches?

The Football Association says that match play should not begin until after a child's 6th birthday. So, unfortunately the club policy is year one and reception children cannot play matches.

However, at HEG we have a Saturday morning Soccer School, run by a qualified coach. Further details can be found here: http://www.houghendgriffins.com/soccer-school

I need new kit - do I need to buy it?

Yes. HEG football kit can be purchased at Cooper Sports: http://www.cooper-sports.co.uk/

Tell Me About Your Club's Policies.

All our Club Policies, including our Privacy Statement, can be found here https://www.houghendgriffins.com/club-documents :

heg_safeguarding_children_policy .pdf




club_privacy_policy (2).pdf

How do I contact the Club Welfare Officer?

You have a right and a responsibility to ensure that your children are safe at all times. If you have a concern  about a child or group of children, and wish to contact the Club Welfare Officer (Nicola Byrne and Cheryl Struckman), you can do so by phone or email welfare@houghendgriffins.com Guidance from the Football Association about child safeguarding can be found on the FA's Safeguarding Parent Information Page, click here. The FA's information pages include

  • resources to help you understand what you should expect from Footballing Activities.
  • details of how to contact your League or County FA Welfare Officer, if the club welfare officer is not available, 
  • 24-hour contact details for the NSPCC if the query is urgent and the club, league or county welfare officers are not available

In the case of a child at immediate risk, contact the Police or Social Care directly.