Contact Us
Membership Secretary


Single Adult


Expires 31/12/2025

Join Us / Renew
Payment: Card, bank transfer, cheque or cash.
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MembershipFHS Logo Buttons and Membership Cards A4.jpg

imagesCAFQP7KD.jpgThe Society membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December.

We offer the following membership categories:

Single Adult: £10

Couple (living at the same address): £15

The membership fee is payable annually, in advance via this website. 

If you are new member joining after 31st August your membership will be rolled over to the following year.

How to Join / Renew

New Members

  • Simply click the Join Us / Renew button on the right.
  • Complete the short online membership form and make payment*.
  • Your membership will be confirmed when payment has been received.
  • An email entited Your New Membership will then be sent to you.

Existing Members

  • When your annual membership is nearing the expiry date, you can either:
    • click on: Sign In (at top right corner of this page).
    • or, wait for the Membership Renewal email to be sent to you and click the link in it to Sign in.
  • You will not require a password on the 'Sign In' page but can instead sign in using your email. 
  • Once signed in, you will then be asked to check and confirm your profile details and make payment*.
  • A Membership Confirmation email will be sent to you when payment has been received.


* Payments: To minimise the additional administrative tasks required of our volunteer Treasurer and Membership Secretary we request payments are made (when possible) via our website. The card payments are taken through the Stripe payment platform, which has the highest level of independent certification available in the payments industry. It is safe and secure.

In order, we prefer payment by: 1. Debit or Credit card (including Apple/GooglePay),  2. Bank transfer,  3. Cheque,  4. Cash.  Thank you. 


Donate to FHS Button.jpgWe are of course happy to accept donations to the Society to support our work in the community's green spaces. If you would like to donate, you can either:

  • add a donation to your membership fee when joining or renewing your membership
  • or, if not wishing to become a member, you can simply click the DONATE button here.

Membership Benefits

  • Attendance at the following Society Events (see the Diary page for details):
    • monthly talks by invited speakers
    • demonstrations
    • workshops - on payment of any costs
  • Joining organised visits - on payment of any costs
  • Copies of The Garden, the monthly journal of the RHS, can be borrowed
  • Discounts from several local garden centres and garden related businesses (on production of a current FHS membership card).
  • Enjoying free wine and refreshments at our AGM
  • Priority booking for our Members Social Evening Quiz
  • Access to our ‘Drop and Swap’ table at our evening lectures - bring along surplus plants and seeds as well as garden sundries
  • TRHS Logo.gifhe Society's RHS membership card can be borrowed. CLICK HERE This card gives entry to two people, at a reduced rate, to local RHS gardens:

  • Wisley
  • Harlow Carr 
  • Rosemoor
  • Hyde Hall
  • Bridgewater
  • Folding tables (used at shows) can be hired by members for £1 each (or £2 to non members)  CLICK HERE

FHS Logo Buttons and Membership Cards A4.jpg