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Membership Enquiries


Enfield Town FC Membership

Expires 31/05/2025

Join Us / Renew
Payment: PayPal, card, Cheque, Standing Order, Direct Money Transfer, Cash, Shop or GoToTown Monthly Recuring Payment.

Welcome to Enfield Town FC Supporters Society Ltd

Enfield Town FC was formed in 2001 as the UK's first supporters-owned club. The 'Towners' are an FA Charter Standard Community Club playing at The Queen Elizabeth Stadium, Donkey Lane, Enfield.

Our club is owned and run by the supporters, so membership is very important.

As a member you

  • hold a £1.00 share in the Society
  • are able to attend and participate in meetings of the Supporters Society
  • can stand for election to the Club Board (after one year of membership) and participate in elections
  • receive email bulletins with Club information
  • receive a membership card that may be used to obtain membership benefits

Most of all you become an owner of the UK's first supporters-owned club. Without the members of the Supporters Society, there would be no Enfield Town FC.

* Membership is renewable annually, starting from the 1st June of each year.

If you wish to apply for membership via post or in person, the membership form can be downloaded HERE


Glyn Smith & Gabriel Meytanis

Membership Secretaries


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