Join us to make Easton and Lawrence Hill a place of possibility!
We are a place-based community-led organisation, and members are at the heart of what we do. We encourage residents to play an active role in our organisation and welcome anyone over the age of 16 living or working in Easton and Lawrence Hill to join as a member and help support our organisation to achieve our three outcomes:
1. Children will have the freedom to play, experiment and learn; to be healthy, happy and feel part of their community.
2. The community will have healthy, sustainable, welcoming places to connect, socialise, learn and share cultural knowledge.
3. Residents will be informed, have agency to participate in their neighbourhood and city, feel a sense of belonging and take pride in where they live.
To become a member, you must be:
Complete a membership application at the "Join Us/Renew" link on this page, selecting the "Member" option. As part of the application, you will need to agree to abide by our Constitution and accept liability limited to £1 in the event of the charity winding up with debt. Our board will review all new applications at their next regular meeting.
Not currently living or working in Easton and Lawrence Hill, but interested in supporting us or just keeping in touch?
You can still join as a Friend of Eastside Community Trust.
Fill out the application form at the "Join Us/Renew" link on this page, and select the "Friend" option, and we’ll keep you in the loop about upcoming events for friends and members and other opportunities to get involved!