We are a global charity for Menieres Disease registered and regulated within HMRC charity guidelines in the UK.
We focus on trying to find solutions to Menieres Disease.
Please join us and by doing so help support research into Menieres Disease, every little helps.
You can also join us as a free member to receive our monthly newsletter on Menieres Disease research and other health related matters.
Alternatively if you would rather just make a donation to our cause without joining our membership you can do so directly into our UK Bank Account :
Sort Code 20-65-20 Account number 83018865
You can join as a friend, donor or a patron depending on how much you want (or are able) to support us.
By joining us today you will receive:
- A guide on how to establish your own root causes
- A guide to a treatement programme to address your root causes
- A summary of the first 100 responses to our Menieres Disease questionnaire
I wish you the best of health.
Best regards
John Ingram
Director and Charity Founder