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Welcome to Deaf Education Through Listening and Talking

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DELTA, Deaf Education through Listening and Talking, is a voluntary association of young deaf adults, the families and teachers of deaf children. DELTA is a national charity which supports and develops the Natural Aural Approach to the education of deaf children. The charity was started by a group of Teachers of the Deaf in 1980 to improve the outcomes for deaf children. DELTA is the only national charity which works to provide a real understanding of the Natural Aural Approach through the continued work of its members

  • We know that the vast majority of deaf children can learn to listen and talk.
  • We believe that this option should be available to all deaf children.
  • We work to make that happen by :
  1. Providing information on the Natural Aural Approach;
  2. Organising meetings for families across the country who want to help their deaf children listen and talk;
  3. informing local education authorities, doctors, health visitors, audiologists and other professionals who help deaf children about our approach and its achievements.

For more information, visit our website at www.deafeducation.org.uk

Contact us at enquiries@deafeducation.org.uk