Become a Friend of DCRFM, for just £15 a year you will help with our running costs, improve the studio and training facilities that we have available.
You will receive.
Friends of DCRFM are often listeners to our station, and support what we are doing in the community of Dover, Deal and Sandwich.
Become a Champion of DCRFM, for an amazing £25 a year you will help build upon a successful community radio station, involving members of the community, to help with our running costs, and improve the studio and training facilities that we have available.
All of the benefits as a Friend of DCR, but you will also.
Champions of DCRFM not only support DCRFM, but actively promote DCRFM to friends and neighbours, encouraging potential advertisers and support what we are doing in the community of Dover, Deal and Sandwich.
Thank you very much for supporting your Local Community Radio Station.