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BVR Standard Membership

BVR Social Membership (No running allowed)

BVR Vet Membership (Age 65+)

Expires 30/04/2025



If you're considering becoming a club member, as a first step you should contact us via the Contact Form on our web site (https://bvrunners.org.uk/contact-us/). We'll then arrange for you to do a couple of free Wednesday runs with us. If you then decide to join the club, you can come back here and fill in the membership details. Once you're a member, you'll be able to see all the running events on our private Facebook Group and sign up to them yourself.

About Us

BVR is a social running club. We have over 250 members, made up of roughly equal numbers of male and females of all running standards. Our main club night is Wednesday when we meet at 7pm, usually at Aldershot Cricket Club.  After any club announcements we split into around 10 different ability groups, all with group leaders, to run for between 4 and 10 miles. In Winter we generally follow routes on roads, but in Summer we often venture off road. We organise running activities such as speedwork, hillwork, team challenges, relays and away runs. There is also a social calendar typically including a Summer BBQ, quiz nights, trips abroad and the annual awards dinner and dance.  The clubhouse has great facilities, including 4 changing rooms with showers and a bar, and there's plenty of free parking around it.

Join Us or Renew Membership

To join, click on the 'Join Us/Renew' button on the right hand side of this web page.  To renew, login and there'll be a renewal message at the top of your home page with a 'Renew' button to click.  If you (re)join BVR you'll be expected to comply with our club rulessocial media policy, and senior athletes code of conduct, all of which you can find on our web site.

Some notes on England Athletics (UKA) affiliation

If you have previously affiliated to EA with another club (even if it has lapsed), then you will have an EA URN and you will probably need to transfer from your old club to BVR. There is a form to do this when you login to the EA online portal. You can join BVR but please do not pay for EA membership until you have consulted with the membership secretary.

If you aren't currently affiliated to EA, then main benefits of affiliation are:

- you'll get a £2 discount when you enter races that are run under UKA rules.

- you'll be able to specify 'Blackwater Valley Runners' as your 'club name' when you enter races run under UKA rules, and you can be part of a BVR team.

- you may be eligible to enter the BVR draw for a guaranteed London Marathon place. (There are other criteria - eg not had a BVR place before). The odds of success are much better than the public draw.

- you'll be covered by EA third party insurance whenever you're out running. (All BVR members are covered by BVR third party insurance when participating in BVR activities).

To encourage members to affiliate to EA, BVR makes a contribution towards the affiliation fee.

If you affiliate to EA we will provide England Athletics with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal. England Athletics will subsequently contact you to invite you to sign in to the portal and check/update your details including your privacy settings. If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with England Athletics, please contact dataprotection@englandathletics.org.