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New member rate, renewal Free

Welcome to Brighton and Hove Athletic Club Membership Sign Up

Please sign up to the club using the Paypal system on the right hand side. You can pay from your Paypal account or by card.

**PLEASE NOTE: If you are under 16, please don't attempt to join unless you have spoken to a coach or official at the club. 

The rates of membership are shown. These include the fee, where applicable, that England Athletics charges (£19 for 2024) for athletes to be affiliated and therefore eligible to compete in certain competitions. It is club policy that all club athletes are affiliated.

You must be a current member to compete for the club, otherwise you may be disqualified from competition.

Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December and must be renewed each year on or near 1st January. Age is at start of membership year (so age on 1st January 2024 currently).

From 1st August the Club fee is reduced for membership to 31st December. The England Athletics fee element, where applicable, is unchanged.

When renewing membership, please ensure you apply for the correct category of membership (for instance your age might now be in a different category)

If you are a coach or an official volunteer with the club (or a life member) please sign up so we have your details but there is no charge to join the club. If you also wish to compete, the England Athletics fee is still payable. (Membership requests in these categories require approval from the membership secretary)

If you wish to resign from the Club at any time, this should be done in writing (letter or email) to the Club Secretary or Membership Secretary. Your resignation will be accepted and acknowledged immediately provided you're not in possession of any Club property and don't owe the Club money for any reason. We would appreciate knowing your reasons for leaving.