Beech Village Hall is a busy hub in the Hampshire village of Beech. We host village social events as well as a variety of clubs and classes, and our Hall is a popular venue for wedding receptions, children's parties and family celebrations and commemorations. As well as operating the Hall, our Charity is also responsible for the VIllage Green and Recreation Ground.
We have two types of membership. Members must be over 18 and live in Beech, which entitles you to vote at general meetings. We will therefore invite you to attend our AGM each year, and we will send the AGM materials to you in advance of the meeting. Associate Membership is for people who live outside the Parish but have a close connection to the village.
If you ask us to send you regular updates, we will be in contact by email from time to time to let you know about events and other news from Beech Village Hall. We are setting a limit on the number of emails we send, so you won't be bombarded. Each email we send will include an unsubscribe option.
We'd love you to join us. Please click on the orange button on the right to get started.
Jane Freeman-Hunt
Chair, Beech Village Hall and Recreation Ground