Thank you for your interest in membership with the Arun & Downland Gundog Society.
The membership year runs from the 1st February to 31st January.
Subs are due by 31st January. Payments made at any point in January will count for your next years membership.
Please note there will be an increase in the following subscriptions for 2025:
Standard Adult Membership - £12
Joint Membership - £18
New Members:
New membership applications require both a proposer and seconder who are full members of the club. Your application will be sent to the committee for approval. The committee reviews new membership applications on a regular basis.
Please would Members note:
You will cease to be a member if you do not pay your subscription in full by 31st March. To re-join the Society after this date, a joining fee of £5 will be charged in addition to the annual subscription.
It would be appreciated if Members could ensure they inform us of any change of contact details so that you continue to receive all relevant correspondence.