For more information please contact Steve Billett on 07860963691. or visit our website on
By joining the Aikido Development Socieity you will also be automatically joined with the British Aikido Board the national governing body for Aikido in the UK.
New Members
All members expire 12 months from your application.
The Aikido Development Society uses for our online membership. Secure payment can be made using Stripe credit card system.
Exsisting Members & Renewals
All members expire 12 months from your previous application.
You will receive an email to advise you that your ADS & BAB membership is ready for renewal by clicking on the link you will be directed to the application form for updates and payment without haveing to remember the password you previously set.
Data Protection
We take the privacy of data seriously and require all our members ,Club Officials and Aikido Development Society Officials to process data as strictly necessary for Club, Aikido Development Society and British Aikido Board (NGB) purposes only. Please read the Data Protection and Privacy Policy for more information.
Please be sure to read the Consitution document and other useful information on the websites of the Aikido Development Society and NGB British Aikido Board .
BACs Payment Details
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Aikido Development Society
Account: 21617155
Sortcode: 60-05-26